Saturday, June 1, 2013

Why am I doing this to myself?

Hi Everyone!
So I apologize in advance if this blog sounds/looks goofy. This is my first blog EVER! Actually it's a few firsts for me. My first time changing my diet, my first time talking to people about some personal issues, and my first attempt at trying to be technology savvy/cool. Anyways, some background info on me. I am a 23 year old working girl (got my first "Big Girl" job the month after I graduated from college). I am starting this blog to document my experience on the Whole30. Normally I would just write about my feelings and mushy stuff in my diary, however I think this blog will keep me motivated and also hold me accountable (NO CHEATING). I heard about this Whole30 deal at my crossfit gym. I have been doing crossfit for about a year now and I LOVE it!! I am skeptical of fad diets, mainly because I don't think I have enough will power to do them and because I am a fatty at heart. I literally workout so I can eat...sad day. I researched the Whole30 and was actually kind of this wasn't a calorie restricting or "starve yourself" kind of deal, and most people do it, not to lose weight but to feel better mentally, physically, etc...One of the main things that stuck with me was a testimonial I read about somebody with stomach issues, I believe they had Chron's disease. Now about 6-7 years back I started noticing that I was having stomach problems of my own...I chalked it up to a slow metabolism and this weird thing of mine that I can't, ya know do the duty, in a public restroom (weird I know). No matter how little I ate, no matter what I ate...I always felt; full,bloated, like I had a a growing food baby just kicking away at my insides (his name is Humberto). NOT A GOOD LOOK. To make things worse, when I started working, I no longer had the luxury of just running to my private abode and having some personal time with my porcelain friend. So I would just sit their miserably, in pain, with my stomach gurgling and doing who knows what. So when I read this testimonial about the "miracle" that is Whole30 and how it cured this poor person's terrible stomach problems...I was hooked. I am doing this because I have tried everything else, I have had every test done, been to every doctor and the only thing I have ever heard is the dreaded IBS diagnosis. I am hoping that eliminating grains, sugar, dairy, and legumes I will finally feel like a normal person. I will actually enjoy eating again and not worry about not fitting in my pants due to bloat, and being able to workout without excruciating gas pains. Blah ok so that might be TMI for some people but for people like me who deal with stomach issues constantly, I hope you find comfort in this YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Like I said normally I wouldn't share such things, but since I cannot see your beautiful faces, it makes this a lot easier =).. Stay tuned as I am starting my first day of Whole30 today and I will attempt to post every meal, every struggle, every triumph I encounter. Thanks!!! Wish me luck! 

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