Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th! God Bless America! FODMAP livin (kind of)!

Started off this beautiful 4th of July with an 8:30am hero WOD "Murph". For those of you who don't know what a hero WOD is, it means it's in honor of a fallen soldier, it is always hard and makes you respect the fact that you are alive and working out in the first place. "Murph" is a 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats and then another 1 mile run...can you say hell? I am pretty proud of my bf for completing all of "Murph" (he was a little bitter about doing it in the first place, but now he feels like a badass...boys). We broke it up into rounds and both finished it within the 45 minute time limit (44:05 for me, 44:40 for the bf). I plan on spending the rest of the day by the pool, tanning, eating, drinking (FODMAP friendly of course) and being with family and friends.

For the past few days I've tried to stay as low FODMAP as possible. I even went out to happy hour and picked out a drink that was as close to being low FODMAP as possible, a pomegranate cosmo. There was probably a lot of sugar in it but it's better than drinking straight vodka.

I'm not going to lie, I didn't exactly feel great that day, I had also gone to a noodle house earlier that day and gotten gluten free noodles with ginger chicken, which I thought was perfectly safe...but that mixed with a couple of drinks, was no bueno for my poor stomach. I don't know if it was something in the noodle soup or maybe just drinking in general (I haven't had a drink in a month, thanks Whole30) but yeah rumbly in my tumbly. It was a fun time regardless, I'm just a little frustrated that I have been trying so hard to eat/drink low FODMAP for the last few days now, and there's not been a significant change in how my stomach feels. I have been trying to stay away from anything high FODMAP that is on any of the various lists of what I can and can't eat, but I will admit as soon as I heard I could have chocolate I kind of went over board. I bought chocolate covered almonds, semi sweet chocolate chips, and a dark chocolate baking bar. I may or may not grab about 5 chocolate covered almonds every time I walk by the drawer (which is probably about 3 times a day) but whatever, I refuse to believe chocolate is what is making my stomach hurt. I plan on starting the elimination diet hard core when I get back from my vacation (I'm going to Costa Rica babbaayyy). I will continue to try and eat as low FODMAP as possible for now, with some exceptions like today when I will be celebrating my awesome country. I really want this to work and I plan on being very strict with it, but while we're on holiday and with a vacation coming up, it's just to hard to stay 100% compliant right now. 
I have to say though, because of all my research on Whole30 and FODMAP I think I've been making way better food choices. For example instead of stuffing my face with cookies, ice cream, and candy for dessert, I I will have a banana, some almond butter, a few chocolate covered almonds and some cinnamon, and it's still awesome! 

I did have a very good low FODMAP breakfast this morning, even though all I wanted was something sweet and high in calories. Had some veggie casserole with some cheddar cheese and an avocado, also 2 cups of coffee and a handful of chocolate covered almonds to reward myself for "Murph". I also had a slice of Udi's' GF bread with some almond butter and a smidgen of maple syrup before the workout so I didn't pass out.

Happy 4th everyone!! Hopefully I will start seeing some improvements soon, stay tuned! =)

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