Monday, July 1, 2013

Whole30 Recap/FODMAP Day 1 (sort of)

Today was kind of disappointing. First of all I woke up looking/feeling 5 months preggo bloated. Whatever, I thought to myself, at least I get to FINALLY have a bowl of cereal! I'm not gonna lie I can literally eat cereal for every meal, I love it. I had decided that I was starting the FODMAP elimination diet right after the Whole30 so of course I got the gluten free kind. I poured a small bowl and dug was delicious. As I was about to pour some more I noticed the word "inulin" on the ingredient list....this is an absolute NO NO in the FODMAP world, it's like the worst of the worst offender. Freakin perfect. So sad day for me, I told the bf he could have the awesomely sweet and vanilla-y cereal since I could not. I ate another small bowl of another kind of cereal I bought (Cocoa rice crispies) only after I checked all the ingredients and cross referenced them in my "IBS Free at Last" book. They were ok, not as good as the high FODMAP cereal though of course. I also had my first cup of sweetened coffee in 30 days. The thing is I am not really diggin this stevia stuff, it made my coffee taste weird almost too sweet and bitter at the same time. I have some Truvia baking blend that I think I'm going to use instead.

Since I had such a disaster of a breakfast, I decided my lunch better be damn good. At this point my stomach was already starting its daily brewing of the pain/bloaty/gurgliness so I opted for something not so flavorful. I had a sandwich with Udi's gluten free whit bread, cheddar cheese and turkey. I also had a bag of sweet potato chips, and grapes. I packed a cappuccino lara bar for dessert. I had taken my coffee to go so I drank that as an in between breakfast and lunch snack. Still not diggin the stevia. 

As I got home and was getting ready for crossfit, I started getting this really anxious/nervous feeling. I knew that I had to weigh myself and I was NOT looking forward to it. Looks like I should have just skipped this step of the process because I did not lose one single pound and man was I bummed. I know that I said I wasn't doing this to lose weight but damn, I had seen/heard of people losing up to 10lbs on this damn diet and yet I didn't budge on the scale. Maybe it was the larger portions, the added fats, anyways it was a debbie downer. I angrily got through our WOD today (death by wall balls), mad at myself and life the whole time. I know I shouldn't be upset, I learned a lot of good things from this diet and there were definitely some pros. I got home and of course emotionally ate my dinner, meaning instead of having one serving of my veggie casserole, with a slice of cheddar melted on top and a mini avocado...I had two. I also ate about 10 chocolate covered almonds...these I cannot say that I regret because they are melt in your mouth good and completely low FODMAP so the food Gods can SUCK IT! I am definitely in a slump right now. Kind of irritated about how this thing turned out. 

I can't say that this Whole30 experience has been all bad. I did find a new love for; coconut manna, almond butter, sweet potatoes, cooking, cashews, eggs, turnips...and the list goes on. I also realized that a lot of the "healthy" stuff I had been eating before was really all crap. I like the fact that I cook with way more veggies now than I ever did, I also learned that I was hard core enough to drink my coffee without sugar (it's the little things). Unfortunately I did most of the Whole30 without following the IBS protocol so it didn't really help my stomach at all, in fact it probably got a little worse. However, because I was doing the Whole30 and doing all this research on health and food, I discovered the FODMAP elimination diet, something I probably never would have even heard about if it weren't in "It Starts With Food". Sure I didn't lose weight and my stomach still feels as if my food baby Humberto is doing flips and kicking at my insides, but now I have a plan on how to fix it. I have done the research and I am willing to give it a try. Hopefully I have some better luck with the FODMAP elimination diet. I will try to document this as much as possible, because based on what I've seen there's not a whole lot of first person experience out there. Wish me luck! And hey at least I can have sugar, alcohol, and chocolate...what more does a girl need. 

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