Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 30 (YEAH BABY!)

BAM!!! Made it to my last day!!! WHOOOOOP! Started off this glorious morning with a fried egg, a piece of turkey, some bananas and grapes, and a cup of coffee. The morning was pretty lazy, I basically spent most my time pinteresting low FODMAP and Whole30 recipes, trying to see how I could incorporate the two. I made an awesome casserole thingy, which was supposed to be in a crock pot but I decided I didn't want to wait that long so I just baked it in the oven. I started off with a recipe from OMGpaleo but I added a bunch of stuff and ended up just creating my own recipe. It was 1lb of ground turkey, I seasoned this with some salt, pepper, paprika, curry powder (just a little), and some spring onions (only the green part). Then I shredded 1 whole sweet potato, half a turnip, two little zucchini squash, half a zucchini and some spinach, threw that all in a big bowl, threw in 10 whisked eggs, and threw in some seasoning. I browned the meat and mixed it together with my veggie/egg mix. I preheat the oven to 350, and put my concoction in a 9X13 Pyrex glass pan and set in the oven for about 35-40 minutes, until it was browning on top. It tuned out beautiful and smelled delicious. I also drank another cup of coffee while I was cooking, so I wasn't tempted to pick on the casserole.

I put the veggie casserole in the fridge to eat for the following week. It was Sunday/grill/family/early dinner day at the Baez house so we packed some compliant food and headed over. The bf and his family are all hunters so we had some good venison steaks to grill up, mine was seasoned with salt and pepper only. I also made some guac (as compliant as possible) and used carrots to dip. It was a good dinner, didn't eat too much because I wanted to run later in the evening, and since I digest slower than molasses I couldn't have a full stomach before running.

After my run (4.3 brutal miles), I was exhausted, hot, and craving something sweet. I hadn't eaten enough during dinner so I was pretty hungry, I needed some sustenance. I cut up a cold banana, mixed in some almond butter and coconut manna, and microwaved it for about 20 seconds. That gooey, sweet mess of a dessert was so good! Probably not the healthiest thing I've could have eaten but everyone else was eating ice cream, soo yeah I did well.

Tomorrow I start the FODMAP elimination diet. I am still not 100% sure about this thing but it's worth a shot. Stay tuned for a Whole30 wrap up post. WOOHOO I DID IT!

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