Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 29

I had a good breakfast this morning. It was pretty big because I knew I would be busy during the day and probably wouldn't eat another meal until busy I mean laying out by the pool, catching up on my shows, and groceries. I had a fried egg with a piece of turkey on top, and a banana with some coconut mana drizzled over it. SO GOOD! I'm a little disappointed because I am running out of coconut mana and I don't want to wait for it to be ordered online, gotta find out where I can buy it.

After laying out for a while I went a did some sorely needed groceries. I grabbed a couple of small sausage patties to hold me over until dinner. I ended up just going to Kroger instead of Whole Foods, because A). I live less than a mile from Krogers and I was being lazy and B). Since I am starting the FODMAP elimination diet and am almost done with the Whole30, I don't really need to get fancy schmancy expensive organic produce. I will probably still get grass fed meats and some other small stuff from Whole Foods but there is organic produce at most grocery stores that is wayyy cheaper. I bought a lot of low FODMAP items in preparation for the following week and also some Whole30 approved items to finish out the weekend. By time I got home and unloaded everything I was starving. I made a big beautiful green salad with spinach, leftover ginger meatballs, tomatoes (from our very own plant) cucumbers, olives, and some EVOO and vinegar. It looked awesome. Unfortunately right after I snapped a picture of it my curious little fur baby jumped up and knocked half the salad out of my bowl. I seriously almost cried. I ate the remainder of the salad, but was of course still hungry. 

I decided that I deserved a dessert after my unfortunate salad incident. I cut up half a nanner, mixed it with some grapes, threw in a cut up cappuccino lara bar, and smothered it with coconut mana. This is probably super caloric and technically not compliant since it is a dessert, but I DON'T CARE! It was the I  savored every last bite of it. I also grabbed a handful of nuts as a dessert chaser. 

The picture does not give my dessert it's due justice. This was my best creation! I will most likely be eating this in the future while people are NOMing on fattening brownies and cake, and I am perfectly OK with that. Overall I didn't do a very good job of limiting fruits and snacks, my stomach did pay for it but man was it worth it. I think I need to ease back on the coconut since it is a moderate FODMAP and you shouldn't really be eating too much of it anyways, oh well! ONE MORE DAY! 

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