Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 10

This morning I had some Tex-Mex hash and a cup of coffee with almond milk. My stomach has been acting up again so I wasn't super hungry, felt really full and bloated. I still don't have all this boundless energy everyone keeps talking about, however I do see now that I fall asleep instantly and even when I wake up at night I fall right back asleep. That was never the case, I am kind of an insomniac. For lunch I packed myself some chili dog casserole, I put aside the rest and froze it for the following week. I also had an apple and cashew butter, and some brocolli and mushrooms with some ghee melted over them. My lunch was awesome. I am really happy that my chili dog casserole came out so well, and the buttery veggies were really good.

My stomach was really bad today, very upset and not settled. SUCKS! I am still waiting for the Whole30 to cure my stomach for good, maybe it will take longer than usual to heal all the damage in there? Anyways despite my stomach hurting (I have gotten so used to this it has become normal) I went to crossfit and kicked ass on the WOD. I don't know if it's because I got some energy back or maybe I'm just getting stronger but we did "Fran" 21-15-9 of thrusters and rowing for calories, and I thrusted 60 lbs, almost RX! It was an intense workout and I was HUNGRY afterwards. We stopped by my mom's house and I had some of her lefotver graduation pineapple and cucmbers and a bowl of chili. I wasn't really satisfied after that but she didn't have any compliant snacks I could NOM on. We stopped at Whole Foods on the way home and I picked up some grapes, a couple cans of coconut water, some more nuts (probably didn't need these), and some of this:

This was by far the best substitute for PB I have tried. SO GOOD, it's almost bad? I ended up eating a huge handful of nuts, some of them dipped in sunbutter, and some grapes. Not really what you are supposed to do but hey I had a hard WOD and I was still hungry. I read some forums on the affects of Whole30 and IBS. Definitely skipped the part in "It Starts with Food" where it talks about what you should and shouldn't eat when you have IBS. I went back and re-read it and it turns out I can't eat anything! On top of the usual culprits, I was also supposed to be staying away from most fruits, nuts/seeds, raw veggies, and COFFEE. I thought to myself HELL NO! There's no way I am giving up coffee! So maybe my stomach isn't feeling any better because I'm not following the W30/IBS protocol? Or maybe I just need to give it some time, I'm only about 1/3 of the way in. Either way I don't think I'm gonna cut any of that stuff out. We shall see, only time can tell.

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