Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 11

Stomach is still upset/gurgly/WTF? =/. Had a big breakfast anyways, because I knew I would be eating lunch late. I had some Tex-Mex hash and some grapes with nuts along with some coffee.

I slept well at night so I had a decent amount of energy, got a lot of stuff done in the morning, including my underarm laser hair removal appointment at lunch. That was an interesting experience. I was of course nervous, beforehand and I wasn't ready to eat lunch yet so I settled for an apple with some nut butter as a pre-lunch/pre-getting zapped in my armpits, snack.

After I got done with my appointment during lunch, with freshly lasered pits, I ate the rest of my lunch. I had leftover chili dog casserole, still my favorite thing I've made on my Whole30 journey. On the way home I realized I didn't feel like eating any leftovers, plus I had a ripe avocado I needed to use. Today was a rest day, plus my body was so sore from that bitch "Fran", I decided to treat myself a little bit and relax. In the midst of us being nerdy and watching a couple episodes of 'Game of Thrones' (it's getting so good...jeez we're nerds), I made myself kind of a hodge- podge salad. The problem with this salad was that I wasn't really hungry however, when I started adding all the stuff in it I got a little portion happy and it turned into this huge mass of goodness. Sauted spinach/mushrooms, artichoke, kalmata olives, turkey (nitrate free), avocado, and some nuts to top it off.

The mix of flavors was awesome. Honestly I should have stopped eating about halfway through because I was already full, but leaving food on my plate is just a sin to me. I finished the whole damn thing. To top it off, I had some grapes and nuts for dessert. The problem with watching anything while we're eating, or even being on the computer/reading, is that when I'm distracted I don't listen to my body. I over ate big time and my stomach is paying for it. My new goals for the rest of this week are; try not to eat while distracted, and also cut down on my nut/seed consumption. I still feel like my stomach looks bloated and extended. I also think I am gaining weight =(. Smaller portions/non-distracted eating, are definitely in my future. 

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