Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 12

I had eaten way too much the night before so when I woke up I was not hungry at all. I had a small piece of Tex-Mex hash and some coffee with Almond milk. Work was slow to say the least. I felt like the day was dragging and my head was in a fog. I don't know if it was boredom or pms or the fact that all my coworkers decided to order in chinese...but I was having cravings BAD. All I wanted was some chocolate/chips/chinese food/french fries! It was terrible, I have to blame this on pms because I haven't really had any cravings until now...12 days in? I decided that I had to get out of the office while my coworkers NOMed on honey chicken and eggrolls. I went to chipotle for lunch with the bf and I decided to get carnitas in my burrito bowl instead of chicken, love me some carnitas. It was so good!

Sadly even though I ate this HUGE bowl of awesome, I still wanted/craved something sweet. Unfortunately I had about 1/5 of a mini jar of Almond Butter from Whole Foods, in my desk. I basically licked the container clean eating it right out of the jar with a spoon. Call it my moment of weakness. I immediately felt like a fatass. I tried not to dwell on it but I couldn't help it...that guilty inner fat girl wouldn't leave me alone. When I got home after work I was trying so hard to stay away from the cashews, they were calling my name, so I ate a piece of watermelon instead. I went to a 7pm WOD and it was rough. Our WOD was a 200m run buy in, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of thusters (50#) and box jumps (24') and a 200m run buy out. I know I could have gone heavier on the weight with thrusters but I was so tired and my muscles were already tight so I went light. I came out of crossfit a sweaty ball of fatigue. I got home and my awesomely sweet bf had warmed me up a bowl of chili, which I threw half an avocado in. It was a good combo but I needed something sweet after the savory chili. I ate a handful of nuts and grapes before I showered, Game of thrones-ed it up and passed out.

Today was a challenge. I had cravings all day all I wanted to do was stuff my face with everything bad. Maybe it was boredom or maybe it was pms, either way I feel like I need to learn how to fight this. I also think I need to slow down on my nut/fats/fruit intake because lately my stomach gurgliness and bloatiness have gotten worse. I don't have the flat stomach and loose clothes everyone supposedly gets a week into Whole30. Oh well there's always tomorrow...

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