Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 13

I knew I was going to be super sore from the WOD the night before so in the morning I threw half a banana in the mix for breakfast, along with some grapes, nuts, and a serving of Tex Mex hash. It was a good and satisfying breakfast and it got me through the morning pretty well. I had a productive first half of work, felt good energy wise and didn't find myself bored or wishing for food. I knew I was going to be busy during lunch so I ate an apple with sunbutter to hold me off until I could dig into some chili. I should probably cut down on my consumption of sunbutter...It's so good though!

After lunch, things slowed down a little bit at work. I started getting bored, thus I started craving junk food (terrible). I made it home and decided today was a rest day, my stomach had been bloated and gassy all day so I didn't really feel like moving much and also I was sore as hell. The bf and I, of course watched Game of Thrones, we actually had a mini marathon, and finally made it to Season 2! Around dinner time, I made myself a salad of spinach, turkey (nitrate free), olives, artichoke, avocado, EVOO and vinegar for dressing. It was good and I probably should have stopped eating after that, but alas I was watching a show and felt like I needed to munch on a snack during. I had grapes and nuts as "dessert". My stomach was already messed up at this point and after all the acidic food in my salad, and stuffing myself even after I was full, my stomach was no bueno. I have to learn how to just eat and be done...

I have been pretty frustrated with Whole30 up until this point. I started this not to lose weight (although that would be nice), but to fix my stomach because I'm tired of living like this, constantly in pain. Next week I'm going to try and cut down on my nut consumption (apparently they're not allowed with IBS protocol) and also try to eat smaller portions. I feel like I may actually be gaining weight from the amount of food I eat. I also realized that I need to incorporate more cardio into my exercise routine. My muscles are starting to get really big and bulky, and when you're 5'2 that ends up just looking like fat. Also I want to get back to my running/triathlon roots. I miss being able to run 8 miles easy and swimming for hours. Time to get back on it!

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