Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 9

I had a huge breakfast this morning because, later on in the day it was my baby brother's graduation party and I knew I wouldn't be eating again until around 5pm. I had some of my Tex-Mex hash, some watermelon, and some cashews. I also drank a full cup of coffee with some almond milk and a little bit of coconut water. Still not very sweet but it's manageable and it saves me a big time headache. 

Worked out a little bit this morning, feeling better energy-wise. The biggest challenge of my day was going to my brother's grad party. We have a HUGE Hispanic/Italian family so every celebration is always centered around food. It wasn't too bad, I had brought my sweet potato chili to eat as my main course, instead of burgers and hot dogs, and my mom was kind enough to have fresh fruit and veggies everywhere! For lunch/dinner I had a big helping of chili with some of my homemade guac on top, some pineapple, cucumbers and brocolli on the side with some guac to dip in. I'm not going to lie I was picking on pineapple and watermelon pretty much the whole party. (Mindless snacking is my worst enemy!)

I did feel kind of left out of the celebration when everyone was digging in to this delicious looking grad cake, and also a freakin MARGARITA MACHINE! So even though I wasn't very hungry I made myself a "dessert" using pineapple, cashew butter, almond butter, and cashews. Very similar to my banana masterpiece I made the other day, (bananas were so much better to use than pineapple). The universe was trying to tell me to stop eating my feelings, because my little snack tasted so weird. I don't know if it was the large amount of pineapple I ate that day, or the combo of butters I put in it, but I ended up having a mini allergic reaction to it and my tongue felt itchy for the rest of the night. Overall I stayed compliant even with all the temptation around me, but that night when I went home I realized I over ate big time! Most of the time when I was grabbing random fruits and veggies I wasn't even hungry. I really need to learn how to stop when I'm full!

I wouldn't say it was a fail of a day, I did stay compliant throughout the party, however I did over eat and my stomach was not too happy about that. I really need to work on stepping away from the food and not being distracted when I'm eating. Learning how to listen to my body instead of my brain! 

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