Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 15

Day 15 started off fine enough. I finally finished the Tex Mex Hash for breakfast and also had a handful of nuts. It was a busy morning, I went Father's Day shopping with my siblings, did groceries, cleaned up a little bit. Since we were out and about we decided to stop by Freebirds for lunch. I was a little disappointed because they didn't pile on everything like they usually do, I even had to ask the guy to add more chicken! It was decent enough, but on my way home I stopped at Whole Foods to pick up some produce and ended up buying a bunch of delicious fruit. I made myself a kind of meal/snack of an apple and sunbutter, and grapes mixed with the last of the nuts. I am not going to buy anymore nuts for the remainder of the Whole30, I rely on them too much. I obviously didn't need a snack, much less a huge sweet fruit snack, but like I said the fruit looked so good, tasted even better, and hell I'm a girl and I'm PMSing! At least it wasn't chocolate and french fries.

Honestly, I forgot to take a picture during lunch, so this is an old one. The one I ate on Day 15 was much less impressive and full. Anyways, after my huge snack, that I didn't need, I was supposed to go workout, get in a run. My stomach was not having it. I got so bloated and had the worst gas pains ever so I just spent the remainder of the evening catching up on all my shows OMG PLL! I also made myself a medium sized salad later in the night because I went to the movies with my brothers and I didn't want any excuses as to why I was eating popcorn or any other movie deliciousness. It worked, since I ate the salad when I was pretty much already full I felt fine for the rest of the night. No candy or sweet tea for me. 

Day 15 was pretty crappy as well, but I know this hard week was due to pms. I am halfway through and plan on finishing this thing out. I really need to stop having huge snacks, and eating so much fruit. I know that I'm eating healthier in general but as of right now my body is not reflecting it. Hopefully, after the halfway point it's all rainbows and sunshine. Keep your fingers crossed! 

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