Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 16

I wanted to try something different for breakfast today. I made a pepper egg cup (it was so cute) and had some nitrate-free chicken breast on the side. It was kind of a small breakfast but I wasn't super hungry, plus the pepper and egg was a good combo. I also had a couple of pieces of some delicious honey dew melon. Stomach wasn't that messed up this morning, so that's a good sign.

I went over to the parentals house to start day 1 of half marathon training with my mom. We did 5.3 miles and I thought I was gonna die! It was about 95 degrees outside, I ran about 13 minute miles, my injured mom was having to slow down for me =/. Oh well, it was hot, I haven't run in about 3 weeks, and I'm pmsing, SO I think I did pretty damn good. I came home and started preparing some spaghetti squash to eat later in the week, it turned out really good! We had our traditional Sunday late lunch/dinner of steak, salad, and some other goodies. I'm not gonna lie, I was starving after my run so I was munching on pretty much everything in sight. Nothing bad, of course I had a few bites of my spaghetti squash, a bunch of cucumbers, some tomatoes, and some olives and grapes. I am a grazer and I have a feeling I will never break that habit, so sue me. I made some guac dip and had that, steak, salad, and some veggies. I did go back for seconds, which was not the best idea, but oh well.

After a few hours, everyone was dying for ice cream...sad day for me. I ended up eating a bowl of fruit with them so I didn't feel so left out, I wasn't that hungry but oh well... I really need to work on not eating when I'm not hungry.

All in all, the day was decent. I was still having some stomach issues, but I have given up eating nuts so maybe that will help. I completed day 1 of half marathon training, even though it sucked. I made a very successful spaghetti squash feast for the following week, and I ate pretty decent all day, minus all the mindless snacking. At least I wasn't snacking on chips or cookies. That's a win in my book. *Sneak Peak of Spaghetti Squash*!

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