Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 18

I woke up SUPER sore this morning. Monday's WOD plus my 5 miler on Sunday left my legs and back full of knots. I had a serving of chili dog casserole and to add some potassium, some grapes and half a large banana for breakfast. It was pretty satisfying, I really do love that chili casserole. My morning flew by, I had to eat an apple with some nut butter as a pre lunch snack because I had a dentist appointment during lunch time and knew I wouldn't be able to eat until later. I finally got back from the dentist and dug into some leftover spaghetti squash, tastes even better the next day! I started getting a headache around 3pm because I was not able to drink any coffee in the morning (my almond milk went bad =/). The roaring headache turned into a dull throbbing one by time I got home.

Today was most definitely a rest day, my legs and back needed a break, plus my head was still kinda fuzzy. The bf had himself some leftovers for dinner while I sauteed some spinach, mushrooms, chicken breast (nitrate free) and mixed in a small avocado. The combo of flavors was pretty good. According to the FODMAP thing, which I have been researching, I wasn't supposed to be eating the mushrooms, garlic, or avocado but oh well, I love all those things. Unfortunately my stomach did start to hurt a little after, it had been pretty bad all day so I don't want to necessarily blame my dinner.

Even though my belly was bloaty and crampy, I was craving something sweet! I know you're not supposed to just cave into your cravings, but I had a pretty small lunch so I figured this could just be an extension of my dinner. I cut up half a nanner and added some grapes and a big scoop of sunbutter. If this is something I consider dessert nowadays then I am already improving because usually when I'm craving something sweet I would have something like a big bowl of dried cereal or whatever chocolate I have in the house. I was stuffed after I ate this but I ate early enough in the night that it didn't bother me around bed time. I have noticed that lately I have been passing out cold, which is a great thing because usually I toss and turn all night. Maybe Whole30 is starting to work?

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