Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 19

I wasn't very hungry in the morning so I had just a small serving of chili dog casserole, and a cup of coffee. I didn't get my coffee fix satisfied in the morning so I made a second cup to take to work. The morning flew by, I felt good energy wise, my stomach on the other hand felt crappy. For the last few days I have really been researching this FODMAP thing. It's basically like Whole30 except there's a lot of "healthy" stuff that you can't eat either. Honestly it seems like a pain, but I am getting desperate...I am slowly going to try and incorporate the FODMAP elimination diet, with the Whole30, and when I'm done with Whole30, I am going to try a full on low FODMAP diet. Ok anyways, sorry for the mini rant! For lunch I had some more chili dog casserole with a mini avocado and I also bought a small case of fruit because I wanted something sweet.

I probably shouldn't have gotten fruit because after lunch my stomach pain increased tenfold and I got preggo belly =(. It's so frustrating knowing that I'm eating way healthier, probably less caloric, and I feel even worse. I feel like I even gained weight! This could be because I am even more constantly bloated and full than usual. FML. I really do appreciate what the Whole30 has taught me about food though, I would have never found FODMAP or any other support forums and resources that I've been finding because of Whole30. I also reincarnated my inner chef, I <3 cooking! I plan on seeing it through and then starting a low FODMAP diet, while still trying to maintain the Paleo lifestyle. OK BACK ON TRACK! My lunch held me over all the way until dinner. I had a tough WOD today, (2 min. ME C2B + 8 min AMRAP 20 wall balls, 30 DUs + 2 min ME C2B) and I knew I was going to be mighty sore in the morning, so after some spaghetti squash, I had a bowl of grapes and bananas. Pretty good day as far as snacking, didn't really eat anything I wasn't supposed to i.e. I got rid of all the nuts and nutbutter in my house. Stomach was no bueno, and I had trouble getting to sleep. Oh well, here's hoping for a better Day 20!

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