Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2

Day 2 actually started off pretty well, I actually managed to choke down some coffee! I added some coconut water (instead of milk) and it was a little sweeter. I also had quiche (which was decent but a little runny)  and some leftover sausage with some grapes with a handful of macadamia and cashews.

We went over to my parent's house for lunch (Sunday tradition). Problem is, that we ALWAYS eat so late! I actually didn't snack though I was busy cooking Whole30 meals for next week =). For lunch I had avocado salad, brussel sprout/mushroom stir fry, and a HUGE steak.

Dinner was not that great. I was so full from our late lunch that I really didn't want to eat anything. I settled for a bowl of watermelon and bananas. On a good note, I did get a 6 mile run in with my momma, which felt great! I haven't run in forever!

Overall, the second day wasn't bad. I got some coffee in this morning so I wasn't having withdrawal headaches, and my energy levels were not super high but not as low as they were the previous day. In the stomach department, things have been a little slow if ya know what I mean, which was never really an issue for me in the past. I think it has something to do with the lack of dairy maybe? Usually in the morning after I have coffee I'm good to go but since I've started the Whole30, it's been not so smooth sailings in that department. I tried not to snack at all today but I did have to try a few spoonfuls of my Whole30 chili that I made to freeze for the following week. *Sneak Peak*

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