Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 3

Today was a bit rough. This was my first full work day on the Whole30. I didn't really sleep last night, a). because my neighbors were having a midnight dance party and b). my stomach was upset. This morning I wasn't really hungry but I ate a small slice of quiche minus the sausage (I feel like I've been eating too much greasy stuff) and some grapes with macadamia nuts/cashews. I also had some espresso with coconut water, it's still not my favorite but it's better than going caffeine free. Since it was pretty much a repeat meal, I'm not gonna post another picture.

Work was a struggle. I had ZERO energy today and I felt like I was in a fog. I prepacked my lunch the night before and it was pretty good. I had leftover shepards pie, a sun dried tomato meatball, some avocado, and an apple:

For some reason when I left work, I switched from sleepy mode to ROAD RAGE/kill everything mode! All I can say is that I did apologize in advance to my bf, for actions that would occur on the Whole30. I couldn't understand why I had NO energy, I had some form of coffee that morning and I ate two huge meals. I supplemented my low energy with a couple handfuls of macadamia nuts/cashews (terrible because I wasn't even hungry). Went to a 7pm WOD, and it was brutal. The actual workout wasn't hard but I felt like all of my limbs were noodles and I couldn't get my breathing right, just felt off. For dinner I had a bunch of leftovers, shepards pie (yes I'm going to keep eating it until it runs out), some sauteed spinach and mushrooms, and some homemade guac all mixed together. I also snagged a couple of pieces of watermelon =) SO GOOD!

Day 3 was pretty hard for me. I felt like crap at work and I also felt like crap in my workout, which is usually where I go to feel better. I'm still snacking, which is a hard habit to break, and also I feel as if I'm eating WAY more than  I usually do. Maybe I need to cut back on portion sizes? Stomach is still blah...main reason I'm doing this! I'm hoping I can get my stomach right because once that's all good, I'm assuming the rest of my body will follow suite. 

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