Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 4

Woke up with stomach pains this morning...no bueno. I don't know if it's because I've been eating different foods or because maybe my meals have been too big and I need to eat smaller portions. Anyways, I had the same breakfast as the previous days, I am a creature of habit and I don't mind eating the same things. Work was OK today, my energy levels are starting to get back to normal. For lunch I had some meatballs along with some mushrooms and broccoli. I put a little bit of ghee on the mushrooms and broccoli so when I warmed it up in the microwave I had some nice buttery veggies. I also had an apple and some cashew butter (not my favorite but it's ok).

Today was my rest day, so I had time to cook a good dinner. I sauteed some sweet potatoes with some EVOO, salt, and garlic. I also had sauteed mushrooms and spinach along with a few leftover meatballs. 

I had a handful of nuts today but other than that, I really didn't snack. I'm feeling better energy wise, but my stomach has not been settled since I started the Whole30. I think I'm gonna slow down on the portion sizes a little bit, I've been feeling really full and bloaty lately. Hopefully my stomach will start feeling better!

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