Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 5

Side note, this post was FRUSTRATING! I actually wrote it at the end of Day 5,and when I went to save it I deleted it instead...then I re-wrote it and did the SAME THING AGAIN! Needless to say I was NOT a happy camper last night. Anyways I'm writing it now, more calm and centered...for now anyways.

For breakfast, I had the repeat offender Quiche and a couple of apple slices. I wasn't very hungry this morning so I only ate a small piece. I have never been a morning/breakfast person so, this whole eating a huge breakfast thing, has been hard for me. I didn't really feel like drinking my coffee right then so I took it to work and drank it slowly throughout the day (maybe I've kicked my caffeine addiction). The first half of work was productive and my energy levels were pretty normal. I ate my lunch a little late, so by time I was warming it up I was soo hungry! I had leftover shepard's pie, sweet potatoes, and some grapes with nuts. It was a pretty satisfying lunch.

I may have eaten too much for lunch because right around 2pm I started feeling really sluggish and sleepy. For some reason when I got home from work I got really hungry so I snacked (yes, I know terrible) on some nuts and an apple slice with cashew butter. My WOD was pretty tough today, I'm still not feeling 100% with my workouts, they always leave me dragging. By time I got home I was STARVING (still don't think I'm in that phase yet, where I can tell if I'm hungry or not). I ate a huge plate filled with leftover meatball, shepard's pie, sweet potatoes, and sauteed mushrooms with spinach.

The picture above doesn't even show how much I really had on my plate, I started eating and then realized I hadn't taken a picture yet. I know this was way too much, yet I'm not one of those people who leaves food on their plate ( I blame my upbringing for that) so I finished every last bite. I immediately felt over stuffed and bloaty! I tried to drink some chamomile tea, but without honey....I only got about two sips in. I really have to work on listening to my body when it's full. I also know that I'm eating way more than I usually do so maybe I need smaller portions? I'm gonna try to go caffeine free tomorrow and see how it goes. I was pretty frustrated with the Whole30 today, I resisted a red velvet cupcake at work, I've been trying to follow it to the tee, yet my stomach feels worse than before! Hopefully it feels worse before it feels better? Gonna keep keepin on! 

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