Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 21

Breakfast was kind of a fail this morning. I didn't have anything prepared so I basically just ate some honeydew melon and bananas with some coffee. Stomach was fine in the morning though, I'm guessing because I didn't eat anything too heavy and also both of those fruits are low FODMAP. Friday was a slow day, I took a late lunch, and I was definitely starving by time we had our weekly Chipotle date. I had a chicken bowl, with all the compliant fixins.

After work we headed over to our crossfit gym for a 6pm WOD, it was brutal. 12 min AMRAP of 7 power clean & jerks, 14 front squat with the same weight, and a 200m run. I managed to tweak my back bad so I was pretty much hobbling around by time we got home. I really didn't feel like cooking so I researched a little bit and we decided to go to Saltgrass Steakhouse, they had a gluten-free menu with some Whole30 compliant options. The first thing they did however when we got there was bring out their delicious bread and butter appetizer...It looked and smelled so good I almost caved in right then and there. My bf of course dug in as I watched solemnly and sipped on my water. NO CHEATING!

I finally decided on a steak salad, consisting of; steak tips, avocado, egg, onions, tomatoes, and balsamic vinaigrette, I told them to hold the blue cheese crumbles. I also got a huge baked sweet potato, plain, in case I was still hungry. I definitely ate my whole entire salad, it was so good. There was a slight sweetness to the balsamic vinaigrette so I'm guessing there might have been some sugar in it...but oh well did you see that delicious bread I resisted! I had a couple bites of sweet potato but I was already pretty full so I took it home for later. Honestly it was almost like dessert, it was so sweet and savory.

All in all, this day was pretty good, even though I tweaked my back, and also ate something for dinner that made my stomach irritated. I am really trying to figure out this FODMAP thing, I've been doing tons of research on it...even ordered a book. I am almost done with this Whole30 and with some accidental missteps while eating out, I think I've done a good job staying compliant. Less than 10 days to go WHOOP! 

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