Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 25

I started the morning off with a veggie cake and half a banana. Stomach was kinda gurggly in the morning so I didn't want to eat too much. I had a very long and frustrating morning at work, some days I just want to get up and walk out...oh well, everything fell into place as the day went on but the morning was terrible, my nerves were shot, I was discouraged...all I wanted was some chocolate. I settled for lunch instead. I packed my self the other half of my sweet potato from the day before, a chicken meatball, and a tuna cake. I also packed some carrots to snack on. The sweet potato turned out perfect, I had just the right amount of salt and cinnamon added. I ate my whole lunch and was happily satisfied.

The day ended well, everything got settled at work and I had a successful day overall. We went to an earlier WOD and I grabbed half a banana bread lara bar for a pre workout snack. The WOD wasn't too bad today but I needed it, I took 3 days off and my body was craving activity. It was 3 rounds of 12 HSPU, 12 KBS #35, and 12 C2B pull ups. After the WOD I was starving! I had a serving of my sweet potato/turnip saute and I mashed up a mini avocado with some tuna. I had a major sweet tooth after dinner so I mixed half a banana, some grapes, and the other half of my banana bread lara bar, with some coconut manna...probably not a great "healthy snack" but oh man was it good. The coconut manna is so sweet and rich and mixed with the fruit, it was awesome.

I think the Greek Spice I put in my potato/turnip saute has some garlic or onion in it because my stomach had been hurting since I started eating it. It has to be that because most everything else I ate was low FODMAP. Really need to be careful with ingredients. Good day overall! 5 days left! 

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