Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 7

Finally finished the quiche this morning! It was a bigger piece than usual, so I was pretty full afterwards. I went completely caffeine free today and when lunch rolled around my head was POUNDING! My bf and I decided to go out for lunch (he works close to my office...very convenient). I had done research before and Chipotle looked like a pretty safe bet. I loaded my salad with chicken, guac, and salsa. It was awesome!

We got off work a little early (YAY!) so I had some downtime before my Friday WOD, which was great because the WOD was a tough one. My parent's invited us to dinner afterwards and we ended up going somewhere called Harvest Grille, it's all Organic and pretty good. I tried to stay compliant got some ceviche, a side of portabello mushrooms and cucumbers. I asked before hand what kind of sauce was on the ceviche and they told me it was mostly consistent of lime. When I dug into it however, I kept tasting something sweet, almost ketchup like. I ended up giving it to my dad and just had some chicken instead. 

Something in the ceviche upset my stomach, I don't know if it was the sugar or whatever sauce it was. NOT A GOOD NIGHT! Overall it was an OK day, I had a massive headache but it pretty much went away after lunch, and aside from my stomach hurting at night it was pretty normal all day. 

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